
Health Tips For a Better Memory

Health Tips For a Better Memory

If you wish you had a better memory, there are often simple changes in your lifestyle that can help your brain and memory work better.

Don't cut back on your hours of sleep. Your brain needs to use your sleeping hours to put new information into long term memory storage.

It's easier to remember information when you understand it really well. If you are confused by something you are trying to learn, break it down into smaller parts or steps, and ask for help in understanding each part.

Avoid eating a diet high in junk food with a lot of sugar, refined carbohydrates and fried, fatty foods. Your brain cells can be easily damaged and undernourished so include a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish in your diet.

Reduce the stress in your life by simplifying your schedule, delegating more tasks to others, getting regular physical exercise and practicing daily meditation. Long term stress can interfere with your ability to concentrate and to think clearly, and with your ability to form memories or to recall them later.

When you need to learn something new, a good way to understand it and remember it much better is to get a study buddy or a conversation partner, and try teach the other person what you are learning. This is a good way to signal your brain that what you are learning is important.

Learn how to create and use mind maps to organize your information. A mind map will show you at a glance how the different parts of what you are learning can fit together, and many people can learn better by using mind maps than by writing out notes the traditional way.

If you are having problems with your memory, ask your doctor or pharmacist whether any prescription drugs you are taking might be the cause of your memory difficulties. If any of your prescribed drugs are known to cause memory problems, ask if you can be prescribed a lower dose, or switched to another medication altogether.

Being depressed can interfere with your ability to form memories or to recall them later. If you frequently feel sad, or if your life feels blank and empty, have yourself evaluated for depression, and get treated for this condition if necessary.

Make up little rhymes and songs to help you remember important information. It's often a lot easier to remember facts that have been made into a song or a rhyme, such as "Thirty days hath September, April, June and November".

Your brain will remember things a lot better if you are breathing deeply in a relaxed way. Instead of just breathing shallowly from the upper part of your chest, learn to breathe smoothly from your belly, using your diaphragm muscle to move the air in and out.

Tell yourself that you will remember, and pay close attention to the details of each experience. This will help you to better remember all the details later.

Include a lot of berries in your diet that have dark red and blue colored skins. In an experiment where aging rats were fed a diet high in blueberries, their memory losses reversed and they grew new brain cells.

Your brain will learn and remember better if you involve as many of your senses in your learning as possible. Instead of simply reading about something, also talk about what you are learning, write about it, and even create a drawing, or painting or song, or do some other related activity.

Use affirmations and visualizations to tell yourself that you are smart, that you have a good memory, and that you really enjoy the subject you are learning, and really let yourself feel that it is true.

Focus on doing one task at a time and concentrating on one topic at a time. When you try to do too many things at once, your mind will be distracted and it will be difficult to perform every task as well as you need to.

If you are a diabetic or if you have high blood pressure, work with your doctor to get these conditions under control. Left untreated, diabetes and high blood pressure can eventually lead to problems with how your brain works.

Your brain is about 85 % water, so it is easily dehydrated. Try to avoid drinking too much coffee and too many pop drinks and instead, give your brain the hydration it craves by drinking half a fluid ounce of water for every pound of your body weight each day.

Many studies have shown that the brain benefits from regular physical exercise. Find some form of exercise you really enjoy, and make it a regular part of your life.

Stay interested in your life. Keep looking for new things in life to learn and to get excited about, no matter how old you are.

This article was written by self help author Royane Real. To learn more ways to boost your brain power, get her new book "How You Can Be Smarter - Use Your Brain to Learn Faster, Remember Better and Be More Creative" Download it today at

Royane Real is the author of several self help books including "How You Can Have All the Friends You Want" If you want to improve your social life, download it today at

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I am starting a series of BLOGS,
I wish this to be a source of practical hints & tips available to every health conscious person in the world.
Topics which I plan to cover in my Blogs are
Health care,
Health insurance,
Health Improvement'
Health Food ' Alternative medicine ,
Nature cure, YOGA, Reiki, Gemology,
Magnatotherapy, Health tourism,
Good living, Healthy living, Vitamins,
Home improvement by vastu, Vastu shastra, Feng shui.
I wish to invite all the readers to
contribute your valuable knowledge,
experience & tips or whatever you feel about the above subjects.
If you can add any thing to the subject
of health, do blog.
My first topic is about
Zinc in our body. Its minute deficiency can cause great harm,. It is an essential Mineral.It helps to
(1) Stimulate 100 enzymes to promote biochemical reaction.
(2) Support immunity system
(3) Healing wounds
(4) Maintain sense of taste & smell
(5) Synthesise DNA
The Sources of Zinc are
(1) Oyesters,Red meat,Poultry
(2) Beans Nuts,Whole grain
Signs of deficiency in the body are
(1) Growth retardation
(2) Hair loss, Diarrhea,Impotance,
(3) Weight loss,Delay in wound healing
Health and Fitness,health care,Health Improvement,health insurance,Health Food 'Alternative medicine,Nature cure,reiki Gemology,Magnato therapy ,Health Tourism .

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Health And Beauty Tip: Why Fat-Free Is A Beauty No-No

Health And Beauty Tip: Why Fat-Free Is A Beauty No-No

Fat free has almost become a cornerstone in many households. It is certainly something of a fixture on modern restaurant menus. And industries have catered to the fat free preoccupation by supplying foods labeled fat free and low fat, as well as herbal and medical products that block fat metabolism. But the bottom line on the beauty and health fronts, is that if you want beautiful skin with fewer wrinkles, or to speed up your metabolism, you need to eat the right kind of fats.

The benefits to your skin of eating the right fats daily are many. Beneficial fats stimulate the production of collagen, improves the blood flow in the layer below the skin that supplies nutrients for the creation of new, healthy skin cells. Poor quality blood flow here means under performing new skin cells. Fats keep the skin moist, from the inside. Fats are crucial for the absorption of the fat soluble vitamin - A, D, E, and K. And the beneficial phytonutrients like carotene, lycopene and lutein need fat to be absorbed also.

For example, eating salad with a dressing containing fats increases the absorption of these phytonutrients. A study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (and referenced in Gorgeous Skin by E Angyal) found that those who ate a salad with a low fat dressing had very little alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lycopene in blood tests taken afterwards. Those who had a full fat dressing with the salad had noticeably higher levels of these carotenes and lycopene metabolites in their blood.

Fats also help produce and regulate hormones, reduce inflammation (the right fats anyway), and prevent eczema, psoriasis, and hair loss.

According to Erica Angyal, you need about 2tbsp, or 20 grams of fats per day so the skin can lubricate itself, and so enough vitamin A can be absorbed. Vitamin A prevents premature aging.

Erica Angyal recommends olive oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, pumpkin seed oil, coconut oil, mustard seed oil, avocado oil, soy oil, macadamia oil, and canola oil. She suggests using extra virgin, virgin, cold pressed oils where they are available, as these are always much better quality, and the way they are processed means unhealthy chemical changes to the oils are avoided. Of the oils here, the mono unsaturated oils are olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, as well as the oil from cold water fish, like swordfish, mackerel and salmon. Mono unsaturated oils can reduce wrinkles. The polyunsaturated oils are flaxseed, walnut, pumpkin seed, and canola oil. For the reasons outlined below, I would not personally use these to gain the bulk of needed daily fats. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but extremely good for you.

Coconut Oil

I love this stuff. Not only does it have a beautiful aroma when it is good quality, cold pressed coconut oil, but it has amazing health benefits that go beyond great looking skin. Aging, including aging of the brain and skin, is associated with a process called 'peroxidation'. This simply means that free radicals remove an oxygen electron from the fats (lipids) in our cellular membranes. Ultraviolet light, from the sun, causes peroxidation in unsaturated fats, both in the laboratory and in your skin. This increases the rate at which wrinkles form.

And unsaturated fats, like regular vegetable oils, decrease the metabolic rate. Unsaturated fats suppress the response of the body's tissues to thyroid hormone. Unsaturated fats inhibit the protein digestive enzyme that forms thyroid hormone, as well as damaging the mitochondria in cells, which relates to cellular energy production. Coconut oil counteracts these unwelcome effects of unsaturated fats.

Coconut oil it is incredibly versatile. Because it is so stable, it can be used in cooking without becoming hydrogenated. And it doesn't change the flavor of the food, despite its strong aroma. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids. These are not stored in the cells like other fats but go directly to the liver which converts them into energy. The shorter chain length allows them to bypass the metabolic pathway that other longer chain fats need to use. Coconut oil is the only saturated fat that is good for the body.

Interestingly, Dr Mercola's website quotes an article by Dr Ray Peat in which he mentions that when so called essential fatty acids were used in patients fed intravenously, their immune systems were suppressed. Consequently, coconut oil is used instead. The only exceptions are in cases where immunosuppression is needed, such as in organ transplant patients. The essential fatty acids are the omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Examples are flaxseed oil, the oils of cold water fish like salmon, evening primrose oil, and sunflower oil.

2. Erica Angyal, Gorgeous Skin In 30 Days (Lothian Books, 2005)

If you're troubled by acne scars, check out this article to learn about the different types and the best forms of treatment for each. Learn all about puberty acne, whiteheads and blackheads here.

I have studied computer programming, shiatsu and various natural therapies including herbs, macrobiotics, oriental healing and swedish massage.


Health And Beauty Tip - Don\'t Starve Your Skin!

Health And Beauty Tip - Don't Starve Your Skin!

To win the battle against the effects of time and the environment, we need to do more than just apply lotions and creams to our faces. No matter how sophisticated the ingredients grow, those anti aging creams only improve the appearance of the dead layers of skin on the surface. To reach the deeper, living cells, we need to nourish ourselves from within.

Juices are an great way to get vital antioxidants, phytonutrients, and vitamins in fruits and vegetables we normally would not eat regularly. For example, pomegranate juice has been found to prevent the thickening of the arteries if drunk daily, as well as slow down the oxidation of cholesterol. And new research indicates it may have a much stronger antioxidant effect than red wine and green tea. Beauty foods like these can be a very effective tool in improving the way our skin looks and feels.

Antioxidants are an excellent way to slow down the aging process on our skin. There are a variety of antioxidants found in fruit and vegetables. These include polyphenols, flavanoids, and proanthocyanadins. Proanthacyanadins help capillary walls stay strong, which is important in making sure all the right nutrients and oxygen get to our cells. If our cells are starving because of nutrient transportation problems, they are not going to be healthy, or look good. Blueberries and blackberries are rich sources of proanthocyanadins, so that's a great excuse to make these delicious fruits part of a regular diet. If you can't get fresh berries, or they're too expensive, try frozen berries as they still retain their nutritional value.

Paul Bedson, who utilizes traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in his approach to the body, suggests these juices for good skin health:

Carrot, celery and lemon juice
Cucumber, lettuce, and pineapple juice
Half a glass of cucumber juice with half a glass of water

TCM sees healthy skin function in relation to how well the other organs of elimination function. The skin is considered an organ of elimination as it excretes about one quarter of the body's wastes through perspiration. The other organs of elimination are the kidneys, the lungs, the liver and the bowels. The rationale behind considering the excretory organs as a whole when addressing skin health, is that if one of the organs is overloaded, or not doing its job properly, it throws the whole system of excretion out of balance, placing greater stress on the other eliminatory channels. So juices, food and supplements that support these other channels of elimination should also lead to a corresponding improvement in the skin.

Herbs that support the eliminatory channels, and thus indirectly the skin, include burdock, cleavers, nettles, goldenseal, yellow dock, and milk thistle, or st marys thistle.

References: Paul Bedson, The Complete Family Guide To Natural Healing (Hinkler Books, 2005)
Erica Angyal, Gorgeous Skin In 30 Days (Lothian Books, 2005

Do you suffer from acne? Would you like to learn 6 acne nutrition tips to help you manage your acne better? Or an acne diet article that discusses the link between insulin, bread and acne? Click on the links to find out.

I have studied computer programming, shiatsu and various natural therapies including herbs, macrobiotics, oriental healing and swedish massage.


Celebrity Beauty Tips - Hairstyles and Beauty Tips of the Stars

Celebrity Beauty Tips - Hairstyles and Beauty Tips of the Stars

Copyright 2006 David Maillie

Celebrities enjoy a huge fan following especially when it comes to beauty and style matters. Being a style-icon a celebrity is imitated by his admirers once he builds an image. A celebrity beauty tip, whether it be about skin care, acne prevention, hair styling, reducing body weight or any other issue related to improving looks has always been cherished by the admirers. Adjudged from this angle, the best celebrity beauty tip of the present age are listed below.

Inspired by the doctrine that beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and colors and is more about self-expression than mere imitation of someone else's style, modern fans go for personal styling. A few generations back an individual would be content with just getting an Elvis Presley hair cut or a Marilyn Monroe makeup even if that gave a more or less dumb look. A present generation Tom Cruise admirer instead customizes the star's hairstyle to best suit his personality. Similarly, a woman obsessed with Julia Roberts may not opt for a curly crop, but rather sport her hair straight, a la Brooke Shield's style.

The same celebrity beauty tip holds for make up and attires. Considering the camera glares and flashes they are exposed to, it is very fitting that a beauty pageant winner or a celebrity will settle on heavy makeup and some out of the ordinary clothing. However, when adopted in everyday lives, the too gorgeous, overtly glamorous looks will best be termed 'blunders' on the fashion-front. No wonder that young women go for a lot of scaling down and opt for the 'girl next door' look rather than the 'Diva' look.

Most celebrities consider beauty as 'not just skin deep', and hence concentrate a lot on health care and grooming. With useful advices as natural and homemade beauty tips on skin, hair care and on other health related issues, this happens to be the most helpful aspect of celebrity worship. Although most of the beauty secrets shared by the stars are no different from the natural beauty tips one has grown up with, youngsters pay heed to these time tested beauty secrets only when it comes in the form of a celebrity beauty tip.

A celebrity beauty tip can be anything such as

. Sticking to healthy lifestyle
. Giving the body its regular quota of exercises
. Increased intake of water
. Meditation
. Direct application of natural products like honey, milk, etc.
. Application of homemade beauty potions
. Application of other beauty treatments like TCA skin peels, etc.

The perfect combination of homemade beauty tips with occasional TCA peels seems the right answer when it comes to stopping the onslaught of professional stress and makeup. The fast-action TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) skin peels cause acne, pigmentations, scars and wrinkles to vanish in matter of moments and is perfectly safe. With the effects of the chemical skin exfoliation lasting for 6 months to a year, application by medical practitioners is recommended. The wide acceptance of TCA peels in the medical community has made it much more than just a celebrity beauty tip.


David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale: