
Motivation Tips -- 5 Tips to Start a Kindness Revolution

Motivation Tips -- 5 Tips to Start a Kindness Revolution

Do your problems outweigh your good times? Do you need meaning back in your life? Could you use some motivation tips to get you started?

Preoccupation with yourself, your feelings, and your wants creates dissatisfaction. Concentrate on others and you'll experience a shift toward the satisfaction of being needed. Focus on helping others and it "magically" makes you feel better.

In fact, why not invite others to join your project? You can register it for at, and join hundreds of others across the U.S. on TWCCTW DAY (the first Saturday of each month).

So, what can you do to make a difference? Below are five motivation tips to get you started. These five kindness motivation tips come from the E-book, 101 Ways to Change the World.

1. Search for ways to compliment people everyday.
. If your waitress does a good job, be sure to tell her.
. Let the dry cleaner know he has a great smile.
. Tell a shop owner if you think her store is nice, clean, pretty, etc.
. Look for ways to make people feel special.
. A little kindness goes a very long way in making someone know they are appreciated. Maybe they'll pass along a compliment to someone else - kindness is contagious!

2. Bake a plate of cookies for a neighbor or an elderly friend. Cookies are appreciated by everyone, but don't stop there! Find some other way to make them feel special - maybe give them a compliment too!

3. Buy a gift certificate for:

. 1 ice cream cone
. 1 cookie
. 1 piece of pie
. 1 rose
. 1 pizza slice
. 1 video rental, etc.
. It doesn't have to be much to make a difference!
. Include a note letting the recipient know how special they are.
. Just think - not only are you making someone feel special - you're helping businesses in your town.

4 After you've bought several of the 'Just 1' certificates listed above:
. Let store owners know what you're doing.
. Ask if they will help you make a difference by donating some certificates for you to expand what you can give away.
. Ask around to find out who really needs an extra boost of kindness to feel good - make sure the certificates find their way into their hands.

5. Pay the road toll for the person behind you.
. How about 3 or 4 behind you?
. Have the Toll Keeper tell them to pass on the kindness to someone else that day.

You may never know what one little kindness from you can produce in the world. The ripple effect of one kindness leading to another can flow around the world. Let's start a kindness revolution!

Be sure to take advantage of the resources available to you:
. Get 101 Ways to Change the World at
. And to register your kindness project (it's go to

About The Author:

Ginny Dye offers no-cost advertising to organizations, individuals and businesses who want to promote their community service projects. Together We Can Change the World DAY is a website where projects can be registered (and searched for). The first Saturday of every month is TWCCTW DAY! Visit

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