
The Top 10 Tips to Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #3

The Top 10 Tips to Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #3

Tip #3: Search and Destroy

Once you make the commitment to transform your eating habits, go on a search and destroy mission in your own kitchen.

Be a commando in your own cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer.

Hunt down and remove all those foods that provide the emptiest calories and the poorest nutrition with the most fat, salt, sugar, and chemicals-chips, cookies, boxed cakes, snacks, salted nuts, candy, pop, meats, frozen dinners, and over-sugared or over-salted frozen and canned goods and drinks. Whether you give the food to a neighbor, the food bank, or just throw it out, it is not being wasteful.

Waste is when you fill your own body with foods that don't feed you, but deplete you.

As you are cleaning house, think to yourself: "Does this food feed me or deplete me?" If it feeds you, keep it. If it depletes you, toss it.

If you don't clean out your kitchen, sooner or later those very familiar, not-so-good-for-you foods will call to you. They will plead and beg until all your resolve dissolves, and they fly into your mouth before you have the chance to protest.

That doesn't mean that you can never have those foods again.

How ridiculous!

But it does give you a bit more control if you are forced to go out of your house to get them. If they are right under your nose, it is next to impossible to will yourself not to eat them.

You can trust yourself but don't tempt yourself.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

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