
The Easy and Natural Way to Weight Loss

The Easy and Natural Way to Weight Loss

Another very good reason why the holidays are a few months away from summer is so that you can have time to shed off the extra pounds you got from eating all those rich foods till you need to get in your swimsuit again. Over indulging in this festive season is quite easy since it is the time of the year when everybody can be quite extravagant with their spread.

Then the guilt sets in by the first of January. Many New Year resolutions are created by then. Vows and promises of food abstinence and extensive exercises are made but somehow there are quite a number who forgets or just plainly quits.

Some just blame their loss interests to their genetics. Just because their family has a history of being fat or overweight doesn't mean you have to be. Genetics only determine our body shape and not our body fat. You can lose or lower your body fat by weight loss that is simple, easy and natural.

The first thing is to drink lots of water early in the morning when you wake up. Drink clean distilled water at least eight times a day. Have a heaping of healthy, fat-free natural foods breakfast. Simply walking at least an hour a day is good exercise to help weight loss. Cleanse your colon and candida, you can check with your doctor or local pharmacist on how to do this. If you can, do not have any food intake after six p.m., this may be quite hard but you can be astonished with the results.

Weight loss is a gradual process; you don't need to be stressed out about it. Just do a daily routine and stick by it. With the right set of mind and strict discipline and determination, you can shed off those extra pounds before you hit the beach.

Article written by Hector Milla; editor of, a website about alternatives therapies like Reiki and others, they have recently published a free online guide with weight loss tips, visit at , Thanks for reproduce this article in you web site or ezine keeping a live link.

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By: Gunawan

These are ten wise advices for health life :

1. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits
==> Make intestines pass off smoothly and prevent constipation

2. Reduce food that contain fat
==>Remove fat: blood artery becomes strong

3. Eat regularly, do not eat and drink immoderately
==> Digestion becomes strong

4. Do not particularly choose foods
==> Give body adequate vitamins and balance nutricion

5. Food do not be too salty, better if insipid a bid
==> No salth mineral surplus and make blood artery becomes health

6. Get used to drink boiled water
==> Could maintain moisture and radiant face

7. Avoid alcohol and cigarette
==> Prevent heart and lung diseases, relaxe and carefree

8. Do alot of sport
==> Make you have a strong body, healthy liver, fresh, and relax mind

9. Balance time for working and rest
==> Discipline life, harmonious in body and mind

10. Hold your anger and have more laugh
==> Relived heart and mind, loveable by all people

Do all advices, you will get the better life.

Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #3: The Importance of Iron in a Woman's Diet

Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #3: The Importance of Iron in a Woman's Diet

One of the biggest weaknesses of the traditional commercial diet is the lack of iron that exists in its stringent and often excessively limited eating guidelines. In order to lose weight, many unsuspecting women get bamboozled into taking part in weight loss programs that cut out many of the nutrients that they need. Iron is one of the primary casualties of such diets and weight loss plans.

The plot thickens for women in particular due to the fact that their bodies regularly lose iron during menstruation. Therefore, eating a low-calorie, low-iron diet in an effort to lose weight only makes the problem more severe.

It is generally suggested that women supplement their diets with an iron supplement such as the Vitality multivitamin offered by Melaleuca, the Wellness Company. This is particularly important during periods of heavy exercise and training that are typical aspects of any weight loss program or general effort to lose weight even when a special program is not in use.

One thing to be on guard for, however, is excessive iron supplementation by iron-deficient (non-anemic) women. There is a disorder known as hemosiderosis which results from large deposits of iron made in the liver that causes a glitch in the proper metabolism of the iron itself. Avoiding prolonged large doses will eliminate the risk of this particular disorder.

Below are a few recommendations from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) that will help you to make sure you get the adequate amount of iron intake in your daily diet, whether on a program to lose weight or not:

* Eat foods with a high vitamin C content with all meals. Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron. (examples: salsa; chili peppers; oranges)

* Include dark meat chick and/or turkey in the training diet. Both of these are rich in iron

Vegetable proteins such as split pea soup or chili beans with lean meat help the iron in those meats to properly absorb

When eating starchy carbohydrates such as cereals, breads, and pastas, gravitate to those labeled "enriched" or "fortified" for their higher iron content.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Catalogue: Health & Fitness | Weight Loss
Title: Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #3: The Importance of Iron in a Woman's Diet By: Lawrence Cole

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Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #2: The Importance of Calcium in a Woman's Diet

Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #2: The Importance of Calcium in a Woman's Diet

Recently I published an article about the importance of exercise in fighting against the bone-brittling disease osteoporosis.

There are actually 3 primary factors that may put someone at risk for osteoporosis---women in particular:

1) lack of calcium
2) hormonal deficiency (estrogen in particular)
3) lack of physical activity

So in addition to exercise and hormonal factors, a woman's diet is extremely important in guarding off this very debilitating condition.

One of the reason's why we do not recommend most traditional diet plans and programs is because the over-restrictive eating guidelines often eliminate or seriously limit the consumption of some very necessary vitamins and minerals that keep the body healthy and strong.

You never want to get to a point where you are sacrificing health merely to lose weight. In fact, any weight loss program

worth half its salt will make sure that the recommendations made for your daily diet intake are well balanced and full of all the nutrients that you need.

The most important time to get an appropriate amount of calcium is between the ages of 14 and 24, when peak bone mass is obtained. Then after that bone continues to develop until about age 35 to 40, at which time the bone mass that a woman has will strongly determine how much at risk she may be for bone fractures in her later years.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that women intake 1,000 mg (1g) of calcium daily, and then increase their daily dosage to 1,500 mg (1.5g) post menopause.

Sadly, only an estimated 25% of women in any age group consume the recommended daily amount of calcium to guard against osteoporosis. And when they go on diets and weight loss programs, they tend to consume even less.

Lowfat dairy prodcuts such as milk (skim milk is a better option), yogurt, and cottage cheese are all excellent sources of dietary calcium. For those who are lactose intolerant or who wish to generally stay away from dairy products, non-dairy alternatives fortified with calcium will do as long as they contined the recommended daily allowance (RDA). The nondairy product Lactaid added to lowfat and nonfat milk may also work to help you meet your desired goal.

In your efforts to lose weight, make sure that the weight loss program that you use includes calcium-rich food choices. And if it does, you will need to add them yourself. No matter what weight loss program you are on or what other means you use to lose weight, here are some good ideas recommended by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) that you may add to your daily diet in order to get the amount of calcium you need while you lose the weight.

* Prepare canned soup with skim milk instead of water
* Add nonfat dry milk to soups, stews, and casseroles
* Add grated lowfat cheese to salads, tacos, and pasta dishes
* Eat yogurt as a snack, or use it to make low- calorie dressings
* Choose calcium-rich desserts, suhc as lowfat cheese and fruit, frozen nonfat or lowfat yogurt, and puddings made with skim milk
* Drink hot chocolate in the winter made with skim milk

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole
Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Catalogue: Health & Fitness | Weight Loss
Title: Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip #2: The Importance of Calcium in a Woman's Diet By: Lawrence Cole

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The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #10

The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #10

Tip # 10: Seek and Shine

Continually seek the truth through books, articles, audio recordings, and speakers to increase your knowledge and to reinforce what you already know to be true.

Build a solid foundation of information about food, nutrition, and the ideal lifestyle that promotes and supports your body, your health, and your life.

This will take time and a lot of effort. It will take even more time and effort to put health principles into practice in your life.

But you are worth that effort.

Sometimes it will feel like wading up stream against the cultural current and popular myths believed in this country.

Sometimes you will get frustrated.

Sometimes you will get discouraged.

Sometimes you will doubt yourself.

Sometimes you will stumble and fall from the healthy path you have chosen.

Stumbling and falling are a part of the human process of learning, changing, and growing.

But if you persist in getting up after every fall, you will be rewarded a thousand fold for your efforts.

Could there be any greater reward in life than to be blessed with energy, mobility, comfort, joy, and purpose, until the end of your life?

It starts with the simple act of putting the right food into your body.

Search for support people along the way. Every once in a while you will meet an individual who not only knows the principles of life and health, but who walks her talk.

Learn from her and bask in her light.

Her light will help your light shine even brighter.


1. Fill Up On Premium
2. Get Satisfied, Not Stuffed
3. Search and Destroy
4. Eagle Eye All Labels
5. K.I.S.S.
6. Stockpile Handy, Healthy Snacks
7. Tricky Tactics
8. Don't Kiss and Tell
9. Stockpile Mental Ammo
10. Seek and Shine

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

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10 Tips for a LONGER LIFE and GREAT HEALTH - Back to the basics !

10 Tips for a LONGER LIFE and GREAT HEALTH - Back to the basics !

Copyright 2006 Gary Dunaway

In todays fast paced lifestyle, many of the basic foundations of good health have gone by the wayside. Take the time to remember the tried and true steps to great health and you'll live a longer, happier life.

1. Prevention is a lot better than a cure. Living a healthy lifestyle is a lot easier than trying to get over any kind of disease.

2. Balanced living is important. Not all work, not all play. Not too much stress. Some meaningful relationships, but also meaningful time alone with God. Some service to doing good and helping others, but not so much as to consume all your quality time with God, your family and your friends.

3. Eating habits. Lots of fruits & veggies. Fiber and bowel cleansing are extremely important. Eat raw foods everyday. Raw foods are important as they add enzymes that assist in digestion. Several helpings of fruits and veggies daily will help your health.

4. Good bowel movement daily. Consume plenty of fiber and drink lots of water.

5. Watch your weight ! Raw fruits and vegetables are low in calories and aid digestion. Do not eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, such as sugar, white bread, white spaghetti, instant rice, crackers, etc. Obesity in this country is rampant, leading to an epidemic in Diabetes.

6. Get adequate exercise. Simply taking a daily walk burns calories and aids in digestion and elimination.

7. Refresh your body with sleep. 8 hours for most people. Sleep without distractions and have complete darkness if possible.

8. REMOVE THOSE TOXINS !. We are exposed to many toxins throughout our lives. Exhaust fumes, cleaning supplies, mercury, lead, aluminum, parasites, etc. Fortunately, our bodies do get rid of most toxins. However, we don't throw off all toxins, and over the years, toxins will build up. It is important to eliminate toxins since a build-up of them can contribute to a host of diseases.

9. Take good quality vitamin and mineral supplements. Generally, we don't get everything we need from foods. High quality supplements can help in preventing illness and disease.

10. Have a benefits plan in times of need. Todays Health Care in America is in total chaos. Corporations and employers are claiming extreme Medical, Dental, Prescription, and Vision costs are driving them toward bankruptcy. Healthcare is changing toward consumer driven benefits plans. There are plans available to keep you from personally ending up in financial straits.


Gary Dunaway authors informative Health related articles, in relation to todays lifestyle. In addition, he offers affordable duscount health benefit packages to those in need. He will send you a free DVD describing these benefits by going to his site : - or contact him at -

The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #9

The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #9

Tip # 9: Stockpile Mental Ammo

When people start learning that you are adopting a new eating regime, they will barrage you with questions. The most common questions asked are:

. Where do you get your protein if you don't eat meat?
. Where do you get your calcium if you don't drink milk and eat cheese?
. Why are you eating like this?

You can do one of two things:

1. Use the philosophy that when a bull comes charging at you, just step aside. In other words, politely sidestep these discussions until you become familiar with the answers.
2. Or memorize the very simple answers to those questions and nip the questioning in the bud.

. Where do you get your protein if you don't eat meat?

Answer #1: Where do cows, horses, giraffes, and large elephants get their protein to grow and maintain large, strong muscles? They do not eat cows or pigs or sheep or chickens or fish. They eat plant foods only and get plenty of protein to grow big, strong muscles.

Answer #2: What is protein for? Simply stated: protein is for growth. When do we grow the most? 0 to 2 years old. What is the best food for growing babies? Breast milk. How much protein is in breast milk? 4.5%.

The World Health Organization recommends 4.5% protein in our diet. Oranges have 8% protein; broccoli has 45% protein; brown rice has 8 % protein.

All of our plant foods give us plenty of protein.

But don't you have to properly combine plant foods to make complete protein? Not at all.

Do cows and elephants have to combine plant foods to get complete protein? No, and neither do human beings!

The author Francis Lappe Moore, who popularized the mixing and matching of plant foods to get complete proteins, rescinded that idea many years later.

. Where do you get your calcium if you don't drink milk or eat cheese?

Answer #1: Where do cows and elephants get their calcium for strong bones and teeth? Plant foods. They do not drink milk once they are weaned.

Cow's milk is made for baby cows that can reach 800 pounds in one year. Cow's milk is not nature's best for human beings or any other mammal.

Answer #2: Humans are the only mammals who consume milk after weaning, and a different mammal's milk at that.

Look to nature for simple, common sense answers

. Why are you eating like this? (And people will ask!)

Answer: Simply stated, "Because it works for me." The end. Do not try to justify your position and do not try to talk the other person into eating like you.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

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The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #8

The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #8

Tip # 8: Don't Kiss and Tell

One word of advice: no matter how tempted you are, and you will be tempted, don't tell anyone else about your new way of eating.

It's going to be hard not to share, but keep your teeth firmly planted on your tongue and just wait a few minutes-hold on, hold on, hold on, the urge will pass. I promise.

The only exceptions are the people who share your living quarters and maybe the one or two individuals who have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he or she supports you one hundred per cent (warning: that person will be very rare!).

Even the most well-intended family members and friends will consciously or unconsciously sabotage your efforts. Your change will make them feel uncomfortable, which makes them rationalize their own bad habits. They will question you until you start doubting your own common sense and commitment to replace your unhealthy food habits with healthy ones.

When someone notices that you are eating differently and asks you the inevitable question, "Why are you eating like this?" simply say: "Because it works for me." Then drop the subject.

When you know that something is right for you, no matter how anyone else feels and reacts around you, you don't need anyone's approval or support.

Someone else's opinion of you is none of your business!

The truth is the truth, and you are aligning your life with that truth.

Just as important, don't preach to other people. It's difficult enough to change yourself, much less try to change others; especially those closest to you.

The only chance you have of changing another person is by example; or if you are the sole cook in the family and your partner puts no more effort into the food than putting it into his (okay, or her) mouth and chewing.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

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The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #7

The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #7

Tip #7: Tricky Tactics

Pre-plan little tricks that will greatly assist you in gradually breaking old eating habits and replacing them with healthier habits:

. Only eat treats and "taboo" foods out! Do not bring these foods into your house.

. Instead of trying to change all bad food habits at once, try changing one or two habits at a time. For example, you could select only one or two changes from the list below:

1. Eat fruit only until noon and a large salad for lunch, and don't change your dinners at first.
2. Eat meat only on the weekends or just 3x a week instead of every day.
3. Drink homemade fruit and vegetable juices instead of pop or sugary drinks.
4. Eliminate all trips to fast food restaurants.
5. Eliminate all fried foods.
6. Eliminate all white flour/white sugar products.
7. Eliminate cheese, milk, and yogurt but continue to eat small portions of meat.
8. Eliminate meat, but continue to eat cheese.
9. Eat whatever you want when you go out (no more than once a week), but eat well when you are home.

. Eat whatever you want on special occasions: Christmas, Thanksgiving, and birthdays.

As Dr. John McDougall says, just don't feast three times a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year like most Americans.

Create your own individualized self-defense tricks that will help you succeed in creating a healthier food plan for life.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

You agree that your use of our website and service is subject to the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please do not use our website and service.


The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #6

The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #6

Tip #6: Stockpile Handy, Healthy Snacks

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you get bombarded by uncontrollable urges that can strike at any time?

Sometimes these urges are so powerful that they seize control of your car and steer it right into the nearest fast food place, which emits that alluring aroma your nose just whiffed.

Sometimes you can be walking down the aisle of a grocery store and that piece of chocolate or bag of cookies just hops into your cart without your even noticing.

Sometimes you stand in line at a pot-luck, and your plate gets mysteriously filled up with all those foods you have worked so hard to avoid.

That morning pastry at work looks so innocent until it somehow sneaks into your mouth.

In this culture of food and more food, and lots of it not very good-for-you food, there are temptations everywhere. EVERYWHERE!

The best way to counter these temptations is to keep healthy snacks with you at all times-in your home, at the office, on trips, and in the car. Raw, unsalted nuts like almonds, fresh fruit, dried fruit, and cut-up vegetables make great fast-grab food.

If you are going to a friend's for dinner, offer to bring a salad so you are assured of something good to eat. What host or hostess wouldn't be grateful for a great big salad to share? That's a win-win situation for everyone.

Other options are: eat something before you go, or, if you don't get filled up, eat when you get home.

For some reason, many of us think that that meal is our last meal, with no more food in site, so we "have to" get filled up.

Think out of the box.

If there is not enough good food to eat, rather than eating foods that you'd rather not because you are trying to be so good, the answer is simple-just eat when you get home!

And for heaven sake's, be gracious to your hostess and don't make a big deal out of the differences in your eating habits.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

You agree that your use of our website and service is subject to the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please do not use our website and service.


The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #5

The Top 10 Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #5

Tip #5: K.I.S.S.

As you are transitioning to eating healthier foods, use the K.I.S.S. principle when it comes to preparing meals for you and your family: Keep It Simple, Silly (the real word is-stupid).

If you make meal planning, preparing, and shopping too complicated and time consuming, it is easy to get discouraged and give up.

Unless you enjoy reading recipes and making elaborate meals, be practical and plan simple meals. If you are like most people, you don't want to spend your entire life in the kitchen.

As you become more comfortable eat better and better, you will discover that the best, most nutritious meals tend to be the easiest to prepare.

How much planning and effort does it take to wash and cut up vegetables and mix them into a salad?

How much planning and effort does it take to buy whole fruit-bananas, apples, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, peaches-peel and/or wash them, stick them in your mouth and chew?

Furthermore, don't even think about making two different meals for one dinner.

If you are cooking dinner for your children and husband who eat differently from you, cook one meal, and you pick and choose out of that meal the best food for you.

For instance, if you prepare meat, potato, vegetable, and salad for your family, your best selections would be the salad first, followed by the vegetables and potato.

As a rule, the simpler the better. Don't make life more complicated than it already is.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

You agree that your use of our website and service is subject to the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please do not use our website and service.


The Top 10 Tips to Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #3

The Top 10 Tips to Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #3

Tip #3: Search and Destroy

Once you make the commitment to transform your eating habits, go on a search and destroy mission in your own kitchen.

Be a commando in your own cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer.

Hunt down and remove all those foods that provide the emptiest calories and the poorest nutrition with the most fat, salt, sugar, and chemicals-chips, cookies, boxed cakes, snacks, salted nuts, candy, pop, meats, frozen dinners, and over-sugared or over-salted frozen and canned goods and drinks. Whether you give the food to a neighbor, the food bank, or just throw it out, it is not being wasteful.

Waste is when you fill your own body with foods that don't feed you, but deplete you.

As you are cleaning house, think to yourself: "Does this food feed me or deplete me?" If it feeds you, keep it. If it depletes you, toss it.

If you don't clean out your kitchen, sooner or later those very familiar, not-so-good-for-you foods will call to you. They will plead and beg until all your resolve dissolves, and they fly into your mouth before you have the chance to protest.

That doesn't mean that you can never have those foods again.

How ridiculous!

But it does give you a bit more control if you are forced to go out of your house to get them. If they are right under your nose, it is next to impossible to will yourself not to eat them.

You can trust yourself but don't tempt yourself.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
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The Top 10 Tips For Transitioning To Permanent Weight Loss, Health and Fitness

The Top 10 Tips For Transitioning To Permanent Weight Loss, Health and Fitness

1. FILL UP on the most nutritious foods first (fresh fruits and vegetables), then eat other foods.

2. Add at least 10 fresh, whole fruits and 10 different, fresh vegetables to your daily food plan.

3. Eat only whole fruit in the morning (up to 10 whole fruits). If you have diabetes or specific health issues, consult your doctor. Stop eating fruit one hour before lunch. Don't eat fruit with other foods (it makes other foods ferment or rot causing gas and interference to digestion).

4. Eat until you are "satisfied" in your brain, not "stuffed" in your stomach.

5. For lunch, almost ALWAYS eat one large, green-leafy, vegetable salad with at least 10 different fresh vegetables (count them). If you are still hungry, then eat something else.

6. For dinner, almost ALWAYS fill up on a vegetable salad and vegetables first (such as steamed or baked). Then eat other foods.

7. Before you put something into your mouth, think to yourself, "Is this food FEEDING me or DEPLETING me?"

8. Clean out your cupboards. Do not bring the "bad guys" into your house. Keep "good-for-you" snacks with you at all times (at home, at work, in the car).

9. Communicate with your family about your food and fitness goals and beg for support.

10. Seek a support person who will hold you ACCOUNTABLE to your commitment to yourself, your body, and your health (like Dr. Leslie!).


Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

You agree that your use of our website and service is subject to the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please do not use our website and service.

The Top 10 Tips to Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #2

The Top 10 Tips to Weight Loss, Health, and Fitness. Tip #2

Tip #2: Get Satisfied, Not Stuffed

As human beings, we have basic instincts that keep us alive and thriving. Our thirst drive tells us when we need to hydrate our bodies. Our sex drive is critical for reproduction and the procreation of the human race. Our hunger drive tells us when we should eat.

Although many of us try to fight against our hunger drive, especially when we are dieting, the hunger drive always wins. That's why we can't starve ourselves forever on calorie-restricted diets-because we get hungry with too few calories and not enough nutrition.

We can't fight a basic instinct.

We get hungry for one very fundamental reason-our bodies need nourishment. A full stomach doesn't necessarily mean nourishment. That's why you can eat a large meal and still feel hungry afterward-because you filled your stomach with foods empty of nutrients that feed your body.

The bottom line is: we should eat when we are hungry, but choose foods that are nutrient-dense, fiber-dense, and fat-, cholesterol-, and calorie-sparse. And we should stop eating when we are not hungry anymore.

Eat until your brain, not your stomach, tells you that you are satisfied.

This takes a while to get used to but, rather than eating until your stomach is over full and distended, eat until your brain tells you that you have eaten enough.

In other words, eat good-for-you foods until you are "satisfied," not "stuffed." If you eat until you feel stuffed, then you have packed away too much food and too many calories.

It takes trial and error to learn the difference between "satisfied" and "stuffed," and to have the awareness and self-discipline to respond appropriately-stop eating.

However, by adopting a plant-based diet, it is doable. In fact, over time, you will find that the difference between feeling "satisfied" and feeling "stuffed" is not subtle at all, and it is much more comfortable to stop eating before your stomach gets overloaded.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

You agree that your use of our website and service is subject to the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please do not use our website and service.

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The of 10 Top Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Tip #1

The of 10 Top Tips to Permanent Weight Loss, Health and Fitness Tip #1

Fill Up On Premium

By Dr. Leslie Van Romer

The most important tip of the "Top 10 Tips" is to always fill up on the best-for-you-foods first; then you can eat other foods.

The moment you decide to make some changes in your diet in order to lose weight and/or gain health and fitness, the very first thought that probably pops into your head is: "What am I going to have to give up?" You can't help but moan.

Instead of thinking about what foods you "have to" sacrifice, focus on what foods you "get to" add to both fill you up and satisfy you.

You "get to" add at least 10 fresh fruits to your day. Does this sound like a lot of fruit? If you would consider eating fruit only throughout the morning, enough to satisfy you and fill you up, you may surprise yourself and eat as many as 10 fruits by noon.

Even if you can eat only 5 fruits until noon, by eating fruit for snacks, you can easily eat 10 fruits by the end of the day.

You also "get to" add 10 vegetables to your daily food plan. This is even easier than eating 10 fruits in a day. Most of the time, your lunch should include a large, green-leafy salad with 10 different vegetables. Just with this one salad, you have already eaten at least 10 vegetables and at least half of the fruits by noon, and dinner is yet to come.

For dinner follow the one rule: fill up on salad and other vegetables before eating other foods. If you eat enough vegetables to fill you up, you may naturally gravitate away from those foods that are void of nutrition and fiber, and full of fat, cholesterol, and animal protein.

Simple addition: 10+10 premium foods by the end of the day, plus whole grains and beans, equals better chances for better health today and for the rest of your days.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Dr. Leslie has expertly helped hundreds of people sort fact from fiction, make common sense food and lifestyle changes, and shed food misconceptions along with excess pounds. She also walks her talk. By following her self-created "10+10 Eating Plan for Life" and through daily exercise, Dr. Leslie maintains her ideal weight and level of energy, fitness and health. As she often says to her audiences and coaching participants "Eating correctly and exercising don't take time, they give you time when it counts-at the end of your life."

Dr. Leslie has recently completed writing her first motivational health book. She is now exploring publication avenues.

As a single mom, Dr. Leslie raised her three children in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in the lovely town of Sequim, WA. They are now young adults and successfully finding their own paths.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer
415 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, WA 98382
Office: 360-683-8844
Toll Free: 888-375-3754
FAX: 360-683-5381

You agree that your use of our website and service is subject to the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please do not use our website and service.